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Foreign Affairs ministry: 94,000 Romanian citizens voted abroad

Romania’s Foreign Affairs ministry announced that the vote of the Romanians abroad in these Presidential elections ended on Monday, at 7AM (Romania’s time) in US Western coast. The last voting sections (of the 28 voting sections in the US) that closed were: section 207 of Los Angeles, section 208 of Seattle, section 210 of San Francisco, section 213 of Las Vegas, section 211 of Sacramento, section 121 Orange County and section 209 of Portland.

The last Romanian citizen to vote for the November 22, 2009 elections was Andrei Slivinschi, that voted at 20:50, local time in San Francisco, USA. Based on the information received so far, there were 94,000 Romanian citizens that voted. revealed that Romanian authorities organizing the votes were surprised by the big number of votes and were overwhelmed.