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Former PM Nastase „most corrupt”, poll says

Romanians have not changed their mind and still that believe corruption is a deep-rooted plague, while their trust in politicians goes ever down, according to a new poll published today. It says people believe the customs, the justice system and the police, along with health institutions and city halls are the most corrupt institutions, it says.

The poll conducted by the Social Research Office (BCS) shows that Adrian Nastase, the current House speaker and a prime minister in 2000-2004, is seen as the most corrupt politician (19.1% of respondents), followed by businessman Dinu Patriciu, President Traian Basescu and businessman Sorin Ovidiu Vantu with 2% of „votes” each.

Former President Ion Iliescu scores 1.6% in this section of the poll.

Despite their view on corruption, more than 60% of Romanians say they did not give any money as bribes last year. Those who did say bribes went to hospital personnel (27.6%), local officials (5.6%), the police or school institutions.

41% of respondents believe Romania’s admission in the EU would lead to lower levels of corruption, while 34% say the situation will not change.

If general elections take place next week, 46% of Romanians would vote for the current governing alliance of the Liberal and Democratic parties, while the opposition Social Democrats (PSD) would get 23.4% of the vote.

The far-right Greater Romania Party would receive 12.5% of the votes, the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR) – 6.4% and the populist New Generation Party – 5.1%.