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Justice Minister demands president Basescu to reject new Penal Code

Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu declared on Friday that he is currently evaluating the changes in the Criminal Law and that, after an official point of view is drawn up, he will demand president Basescu to return the law in Parliament for re-examination.

According to sources, most of the criticized modifications in the Penal Code were suggested by the Justice Ministry and promoted by deputies in the Juridical Commission. In other words, Minister Chiuariu will demand the re-examination of the changes included by his own state secretaries and managers.

The press bureau in the Justice Ministry could not confirm for whether the changes were suggested or not by the state secretaries and managers that participated in the Juridical Commission sessions.

The Justice Ministry can’t propose directly any suggestions, but may promote it indirectly, through parliamentarians who assume it.

Tudor Chiuariu reminded that Romanian committed in Brussels not to modify the Criminal Law until the new Penal Code is adopted.

The most criticized change was the one referring to punishing the journalists who publish evidence from a file, like the case that led to the resignation of Agriculture Minister Remes. The new sanctions would be between 2 and 7 years in jail.