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Justice scandals explode

In the last couple of weeks, the anti-corruption campaign in Romania focused upon the main institutions involved in the fight against corruption, namely the Anti graft National Department (DNA) and the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM).

Justice Minister Chiuariu wants to change the main DNA prosecutors because, statistically they do not have many cases.

However, Brussels officials consider that Romania has made real progress in the fight against corruption and emphasized the need of quality not quantity. Justice Minister urges the prosecutors to investigate more cases and classify them, emphasizing quantity for statistics` sake.

Both CSM and Justice Minister disagree with the lines followed by DNA. On the other hand, representatives of the two institutions are by far entitled to criticize DNA for its efficiency.

CSM important members see appropriately to involve themselves personally in instrumented cases or disclose information to the press before any other ruling is taken.

Moreover, the last case involving CSM is his control over DNA and the conclusions made public. Several local NGO’s like ProDemocratia, The Initiative for a Clean Justice, the Center for Independent Journalism expressed their concern publicly in a press release regarding the way in which CSM conducted its investigations over DNA.

The NGOs consider that CSM disclosed important information regarding the undergoing investigations at DNA which could affect the cases.

Even more, they argue that the report is far from objective since only CSM’s point of view is undertaken.

Far from Brussels’s eyes, the magistrates are themselves part of the corrupt past they are now obliged to control and put a stop to it.

Plus, Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu is under a DNA investigation, being suspected of corruption and abuse in service. The allegations involve his approval of an association of the Romanian Mail company and a private company in an investment business.