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Moldova angry with citizens gaining Romanian citizenship

The Moldova Republic is indignant with its citizens increasingly demanding Romanian citizenship. Relationships between the two former allies significantly worsened, the Ukrainian electronic publication 24.uaNews reports.

According to the website, officials in Kishinev are frightened by the fact that Moldovans massively adopt the Romanian citizenship and, as a response, the former Soviet republic begun revenging on its neighbors.

Kishinev fears that the „Romanization” may lead to the loss of the Moldovan identity, in not of the state sovereignty itself, given that more and more Moldovans seem to support the unification with Romania.

Romania’s recent accession to the EU only increased Moldovans’ desire to obtain the Romanian citizenship, in order to circulate through Europe without needing visas.

Romanian laws offer citizenship for any Moldovan who may prove that his / her ancestors lived on the Basarabia territory (currently Moldova and parts of Ukraine) between 1918 and 1940, when the region was part of Romania.

Romanian president Basescu declared that the chance to gain Romanian citizenship should also be offered to Russia-originating Moldovans who feel that their future lies with Europe. As a response, Moldovans launched a full scale anti-Romanian campaign, the article reads.

The scandal recorded several incidents, including one last week, when three Romanian delegations invited to celebrate the Kishinev Days, were returned from the border, with border patrols claiming they had only copies after the invitations, instead of original documents.