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NGO accuses „systematic disorganization” in the referendum

„This referendum proves an unprecedented disorganization”, said Cristian Pirvulescu, president of the Pro-Democracy Association (APD) during a live broadcast ran this afternoon on the Romanian version of The reasons for this range from poor management and organization to lack of motivation, Parvulescu believes.

Only 10,000 bulletins arrived to Chisinau, the Moldovan Republic capital, and similar problems were registered in Brussels and Madrid.

The Pro-Democracy Association registered over 2,000 denunciations of various dysfunctions, including manifest hostility towards observers or worse, not even admitting observers in the voting stations.

Cristian Pirvulescu also noted that it was the first time after the 1990 elections when urban areas recorded a larger percentage of participation, compared to rural areas.

With an average participation of the electors growing 6% per hour, a 50% total participation may reach 50% at the end of the day, says Parvulescu.

According to the APD chief, the 200 voting stations abroad aren’t enough to meet the requirements.

As a conclusion, Parvulescu said that the entire referendum was under the sign of systematic disorganization. „There was also some progress: multiple voted can be detected and penalized and lists are no longer destroyed, but archived”.