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Opposition Social Democrats submit motion against Romania Government

The main opposition group in Romania, the Social Democrats (PSD) submitted a censure motion against the PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu’s current government in the Parliament on Monday after a series of delays, controversies and inner party battles surrounding the opportunity of such an attempt to bring down the government.

The motion, named “1000 days of chaos – the end of a right-wing government” needs 232 votes to pass and it has the verbal support of MPs for the PSD and two former allies of the governing Liberals (PNL), the Democrats (PD) and the Liberal Democrats (PLD).

But many members of the PSD are expected to vote agains thte motion once it is read in the Parliament. The reading is expected to take place Thursday, September 27.

According to Titus Corlatean of the PSD, the document was signed by 139 PSD MPs. But influential members of the party including ex-President of Romania Ion Iliescu have been vocal opponents of the motion and abstained from voting it in a preliminary party vote.

The PSD motion has been received with scepticism and mockery by the media and other political parties initially but eventually gained some notoriety as it was seen by some Democrats as a means to shake up the current political scene in Romania, which is marred by endless disputes between the Liberals and other parties.

Questions remain, however, about the possible outcome if the motion gets through the Parliament. The PSD has been negotiating hard to join a future government but the negotiations have yet to produce results.