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Poland blocks “Anti-death sentence Day”

Poland vetoed against declaring the October 10th as the European Anti-death sentence Day, arguing that such a celebration should also include condemning of abortion and euthanasia.

According to BBC, “The European Commission said a conference scheduled to launch the EU day against the death penalty would still go ahead on 9 October. But with Poland digging in its heels, delegates may find the debate is livelier than they had expected”.

This is the latest in a series of political clashes between Brussels and Warsaw, on everything from homosexuality to environmental protection, the BBC correspondent says, adding that “Poland’s junior coalition partner, the ultra-conservative League of Polish Families, wants to bring back the death penalty for pedophiles.

Polish President Lech Kaczynski last year called on EU member states to reintroduce the death penalty. Poland, along with Ireland and Malta, are the only members where abortion is illegal.”