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Political supporters of President Basescu join forces in newly born Romanian party

The Democratic Party (PD) has announced its merger with the Liberal Democratic Party (PLD) to create the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL). The leaders of the two parties announced on Monday that their groups will merge to form a new political party. Until internal elections take place, it will be lead by the former Democratic leader Emil Boc and by two vice-presidents: Theodor Stolojan of PLD and another PD designated one.

The two parties will organize extraordinary congresses in January next year to officially approve the fusion.

The new party will be part of the European People’s Party.

Talks of a merger first appeared more than a year ago but were repeatedly dumped to allow PLD to run in the recent European Election by its own.

Both parties are known for their support of President Traian Basescu, who until becoming president was leader of the PD. PD was part of a governing alliance with the Liberals (PNL) until a political scandal followed by a reshuffle this spring, in which PD was removed from the government, now dominated by PNL.

For its part, PLD was formed last year by former elite members of the PNL who were ousted from the party from their support for Basescu, who’s been at loggerheads with PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu for a long while.

Boc and PLD leader Stolojan said they joined forces to create a ”coherent, efficient and stable version of a center-right party”.