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Pottering: It’s up to Romanian authorities to avoid safeguarding clauses

European Parliament President Hans-Gert Pottering expressed his concern on Romania’s Agriculture problems on Tuesday, emphasizing that he hopes that no safeguarding clauses will be required after the one month deadline imposed by the EU expires. „It depends solely on the Romanian officials”, was the message sent by Pottering.

The European official said that Romanian officials, if consistent in their agreements made, can manage to reach a stable, working, democratic government.

Pottering’s statements were made after a meeting with Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, who emphasized on his turn that the problems in agriculture cannot be dealt with through political messages.

Tariceanu said that Romania can manage to respect its agreements with any safeguarding clause activation.

Pottering mentioned that some progress has been made in the last couple of years in all sectors but he warned that the efforts need to be consistent and continued.

The European Commission warned Romanian authorities last week to solve the problems found in the incentives payment system for farmers, otherwise threatening to activate the safeguarding clauses on Agriculture.