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President Basescu: „The entire government is in a conflict of interests with the Justice system”

President Traian Basescu accused on Friday the Tariceanu cabinet of abuse in office, after the Government changed the Ministers’ Responsibility law through an emergency ordinance.

„The entire government is currently in a conflict with the Justice system”, said Basescu. The head of state considers that impeaching the activity in the presidential commission in charge of approving criminal investigations against members of the Government is an act specially designed to help Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu, who attempts to block his own investigation file.

President Basescu also referred to the possibility of an existing political underdog deal: the cabinet may have adopted this ordinance in exchange for having some parliamentarians vote against the motion to bring down the government on Wednesday.

Former Justice minister Monica Macovei declared for HotNews that „Tudor Chiuariu and Paul Pacuraru (note: the Justice and the Labor ministers) stopped the investigations in files referring to themselves and must be investigated for abuse in office”.

Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu answered that he understands the anger of the president „because he lost the toy used to suspend Liberal ministers”.