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President Basescu to hold speech before the European Parliament

President Traian Basescu will hold a speech before the European Parliament at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, the first such speech since Romania joined the European Union on January 1, 2007. He will explain Romania’s position on the main elements included in the agenda of the German Presidency of the EU.

But he is also expected to raise the issue of the political crisis in Bucharest, where he’s been confronting PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu on a very large array of issues.

During an interview for the Romanian public television on Tuesday evening, Basescu warned PM Tariceanu that he might speak up on sensitive issues during his speech today, including charges of traffic of influence that he and Tariceanu have been exchanging for several weeks.

„We see that unfortunately there are weak parties and politicians who are transfering domestic political disputes abroad. I’ve not done such things and will not do. But if talks come to domestic issues, those who raised them should not imagine that while at the EP I’ll hold back correct information about the system of economic interests that exists behind political decisions.

„I will also speak about lie-based politics, be it about meddling with the Judiciary in favour of friends or about lies that one did not receive information which in fact one did receive”, Basescu said in the interview for Romanian Television.