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President sends DNA ordinance back to Parliament

Romanian President Traian Basescu announced Friday he would send a controversial ordinance on anti-curruption back to Parliament after it was rejected last week.

He made the announcement after two days of talks with the leaders of parliamentary parties on issues as varied as the named ordinance, the EU integration priorities and the law on minorites.

Basescu had initiated consultations with parliamentary parties after the rejection by the Senate of a key ordinance in the fight against corruption.

The Senate rejected last Thursday the ordinance that turned the National Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PNA) into National Anti-Corruption Department (DNA), entailing it with more prerogatives including investigation for graft allegations against parliamentarians.

On Thursday, the Social Democratic (PSD), the Great Romania, the Conservative and ethnic minority parties held talks with the president.

Only PSD expressed its strong believe that the president should approve the rejection by the Senate as the ordinance is faulty and allows the Politics’ interference into Justice, turning investigations into media shows.

It is up to the president now to approve the ordinance’s rejection by the Senate or return the ordinance project to the Parliament for further discussions.

The Government, the civil society and the international community expressed hopes that the Romanian leader would not promulgate the rejection.

The move sparked tough reactions from the US, British and EU which voiced concern about the Senate move and its huge implications on the overall fight against corruption in Romania.