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Romania maintains its position in Top 500 Central Europe with 34 companies

Romania consolidated its presence in the Central European business environment, registering an increase in the number of companies present in the Deloitte Top, the biggest 500 companies in the region (with 34 companies compared to 30 in 2008). Petrom, Rompetrol, Automobile Dacia, ArcelorMittal and Metro lead the top for Romania.

The total business rates of the biggest Romanian companies increased by almost 28% to 38 billion euro, according to financial data available for 2008. Romania maintains its fifth position as representation level in the Top 500 Central Europe. Compared to 2007, when Deloitte launched this project at a regional level, the number of Romanian companies with businesses over 1 billion euro increased from 9 to 14.

The 2009 Deloitte report reveals the evolution of the last twelve years and the previous years, when Central Europe was preferred by global investors. If in the first three quarters of 2008 the economy continued to grow, the financial and economic crisis was felt starting the fourth quarter.

The conclusion of the report reads that Central Europe was saved from an economic disaster by the intervention of national governments, the EU and international organizations or other leaders in the region.

Now, the question rests how fast these countries will recover from the crisis. Romania, alongside Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Moldova, Montenegro, Slovenia and Slovakia have a chance to recover fast. However, countries like Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania or Hungary can face considerable challenges.