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Romania President does not accept proposal to revoke Defense Minister Melescanu

Romanian President Traian Basescu has informed PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu that he did not agree with the latter’s decision to revoke Teodor Melescanu as Defense Minister and nominate him for the Justice Ministry, as announced on Monday, it came to light on Tuesday. The main reason invoked by the President in a phone conversation on Monday was the imminent approach of the NATO Summit due to take place in Bucharest.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Presidency informed that PM Tariceanu had failed to consult the president on the naming of a new Justice ministry, as the Constitutional Court said it should happen when it comes to the nomination of a new member of the Government.

Government spokesperson Camelia Spataru said that the government will wait a key Constitutional Court decision that might come in a week or so.

Currently, Teodor Melescanu holds the Defense portfolio and assures the interim rule for the Justice Ministry.

The Constitutional Court has ruled that the President has the right to veto a nomination of a new minister only once. This is the reason why the Liberal party decided to propose Teodor Melescanu for the Justice Ministry and Radu Stroe, a controversial Liberal MP, for the job held so far by Melescanu.