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Romanian hurts himself while trying to protect his house from thieves

A US citizen of Romanian origin has lost a part of his right arm after a homemade bomb built to protect his house from thieves blew up accidentally. Victor Iacobescu has been hospitalized after the explosion almost ripped off his hand.

A firefighters’ spokesperson said Iacobescu was the victim of several previous break-ins and he built up an explosive device to protect his house.

According to the official report, a neighbor called the police after Iacobescu called for help.

The explosion determined authorities in Lansing, Michigan to evacuate dozens of houses in the area for more than 12 hours while the specialists tried to determine whether there were any other bombs in the house.

According to police statements, Iacobescu risks charges of holding explosive materials after it was discovered that the device was made of gun powder.

Police officer Bruce Ferguson said that he did not see any reason for which he would build a bomb. He added that such a device is illegal.

Iacobescu’s daughter told a local television that, despite the rapid surgical intervention, his right hand could not be saved.

Lansing is Michigan’s capital and one of the most important centers of the Romanian community in the States.