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Romanian lottery – the most valuable brand of Romania

The Romanian lottery is the most valuable brand of Romania estimated at 35 million euros. At an European level, the Lottery is placed on the 758th place, a study of the Branding European Institute in Vienna shows. The study covers a total of some 3000 brands.

The first Romanian brands are business that amount to a total of 86 million euro. Almost 42% of this comes from gambling while 16% represent the food and utilities industry.

When it comes to economic development contribution Romania is placed on the 24th place.

The brands capacity to contribute to the economic development is illustrated by the relation between the GDP per capita and the rapport between the value of the first ten brands and the GDP.

At the European level, the first position is occupied by the Finnish Nokia brand with a value of 32.33 billion euro, closely followed by LVMH with 29.83 billion euro, Unilever at 25.13 billion euro and Telefonica at 23.85 billion euro.