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Romanian President Basescu: ”I will call back many ambassadors”

Romanian President Traian Basescu confessed in a talk show on the public television channel his dissatisfaction with the job of many Romanian ambassadors. He argued that many diplomats have failed to understand their job and did not actively involve in the problems Romanians are facing abroad.

Basescu added that Romanian ambassadors push forward their own interests and despise other Romanians.

When asked about the tensions Romanians are facing in Italy now, Basescu said that one of the most serious problems Romania is facing is represented by Romanian citizens of Rroma origin and their criminal acts abroad.

Basescu also attacked Foreign Minister Adrian Cioroianu, asking for his resignation after he declared that people committing crimes should be sent in disciplinary camps in the Egyptian desert.

The head of state also defended the uninominal voting system he’s pushing forward for public approval in a referendum on November 25.

He said that a different such system, conceived by a reputed Romanian NGO and for which the Government took responsibility in the Parliament, was faulted by the many amendments it suffered during parliament debates.

The final version of the government bill, which he expects for final approval but says he would not consider before the November 25 referendum, was no more than a simple means to postpone the introduction of uninominal voting in Romania, Basescu argued.