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Romanians in Italy request Bucharest authorities to intervene in their defense

Members of the Romanian League in Italy have addressed an open letter to Romanian President Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Foreign minister Cioroianu and Interior minister Cristian David expressing their concern that their children might be the next victims in a surge of tensions between Romanian workers in the Peninsula and local communities.

Romanians in Italy appeal to all Romanian institutions to constructively respond to the joint programs initiated by Italian authorities to find a common ground for tackling stringent issues affecting the citizens of both countries.

The Romanian association in Italy expresses fear that Italians will make their own justice and judge all Romanians based on the crimes committed by some migrants of Gipsy origin.

The Association’s President, Diana Harja says that Romanian authorities need to take a stand before the issue will be out of control.

The letter adds that Romanians residing in Italy fear that their children might soon be wrongfully discriminated in Italian schools.