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Romanians still unhappy with state of politics

If elections occurred next Sunday, the governing D.A. alliance would win with 49 percent of the votes, the opposition Social Democrats would get 20 percent, the far-right Greater Romania Party- 20 percent, the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR) – 6 percent, and the New Generation Party 4 percent, according to a new survey issued on Wednesday.

The Insomar poll says only 35 percent of Romanians are pleased with the achievements of the current Government. However, President Traian Basescu mustered a higher 65 percent of social satisfaction, up 2 percent compared to a previous survey.

Justice minister Monica Macovei enjoys 43% of the popular trust, Foreign Affairs minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu – 32%, Interior minister Vasile Blaga – 31% followed by Agriculture minister Gheorghe Flutur.

The survey shows that the political class has lost popular confidence, except for the leader of the New Generation Party Gigi Becali, owner of the Steaua football club, who enjoys the sympathy of sports fans.

51 percent of Romanians consider the activity of the National Anti-corruption Directorate to be good and very good, while 49 percent perceive it as rather bad or very bad.

Dissatisfaction is present in Romanians’ lives as well. Only 15.6 percent consider that their lives are better than one year ago, 42 percent say it is worse or the same. One fifth of the subjects consider that the Romanian economy will grow, 40.3 say it will stay the same and 39.2 say it will decrease.

The survey was undertaken on 1178 subjects in March 22-27.