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Signs of revolt among oppositionSocial Democrats

A deputy for the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) announced his intention to resign from the group in protest against the current situation within the party and its top leadership including president Mircea Geoana.

Deputy Eugen Bejinariu said in an interview for the Antena 3 TV station that „I am a good team mate, but taking into consideration the aberrant behaviour of the party leadership I no longer identify with this team”.

He said his opinions were shared by many people within the party and that his own point of view was not related to the recent ousting of Adrian Nastase as executive president of the PSD and as speaker of the House of Deputies.

PSD president Mircea Geoana, fiercely attacked by many party members since Nastase’s ousting, replied for the same TV station that Bejinariu was known as Nastase’s crony „who executes orders”.