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Superior Council on Magistracy to investigate leaked footage of minister allegedly accepting bribe

The Superior Council on Magistracy decided on Thursday to start investigations regarding the way the Romanian public television TVR obtained footage broadcast on Wednesday night, portraying Agriculture minister Decebal Traian Remes taking bribe. The decision was taken at a meeting attended by Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu.

Remes was forced to resign on Thursday morning following the TVR broadcast the day before.

TVR 1 made the tapes public in prime time on Wednesday. The footage showed former Agriculture minister Ioan Avram Muresan giving Remes an envelope allegedly containing 15,000 euro to favor a Romanian businessman, Gheorghe Ciorba, in public tenders.

TVR also released a tapped phone call in which Muresan talks with the business man, confirming that Remes accepted the bribe.

Senate speaker Nicolae Vacaroiu said that Senate commissions will hear TVR directors for explanations on the case.