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Taxes on money submitted by Romanians in Belgium or Luxembour will bring three times more money to the 2010 budget

The government rests on a 379% increase of taxes on revenues made in Belgium, Luxembourg and Austria by Romanians with a fiscal residence in the home country, the 2010 draft budget reads. If in 2009 these sums totaled 2 million lei, for 2010, the total is estimated at 11 million lei. These revenues come after the country signed several agreements with the countries, Finance ministry state secretary Gheorghe Gherghina declared.

The government will also plan to increase their revenues from the increased taxes on the activity of lawyers and notaries, and also on the taxes for casinos. When it comes to casinos, the government is estimated to win about 316 million lei compared to 136 million lei last year.

The draft law of the state budget will be debated on Tuesday in the specialized Parliamentary committees and ammendments will be submitted starting today at the committees. Talks in the Parliament will start on January 11.