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The Economist: Chiuariu, a Justice Minister „less efficient” than Monica Macovei

„Romania’s rule of law: Justice for some”, is the title of an article published by The Economist, discussing the scandals around the current Romanian Justice Minister, Tudor Chiuariu, adding that „Corruption scandals hit the headlines, but not the guilty”.

The article mocks the corruption case of the resigned Agriculture Minister, Decebal Traian Remes, who accepted 15,000 euros, sausages and plum brandy in order to „help a firens” win some bids on public funds works.

„Every man has his price; a minister’s is just higher. Fixing a public tender in Romania may require a few euros. And some sausages. And maybe some plum brandy.

Tapes from the prosecutor’s office, leaked and then broadcast on television, show the farm minister, Decebal Traian Remes, apparently taking delivery via a middleman of €15,000 ($21,600), 20 kilos (44lb) of sausages and 100 litres (22 gallons) of plum brandy.

He resigned and has made no statement. Romania’s prime minister, Calin Popescu Tariceanu, criticised this “public execution” of his colleague”, The Economist reads.

As for the Justice system in Romania, the apper plainly admits: „Even if the tape shows what it seems to, Mr Remes is no more likely to end up behind bars than other figures under suspicion. These include even the justice minister, Tudor Chiuariu, whom prosecutors have tried to investigate”.

„New amendments to the penal code prescribe jail sentences of up to seven years for journalists who publish material showing officials involved in bribe-taking, and also reduce the penalties for actual wrong-doing by raising the financial threshold for corruption charges.

As for existing cases, including one involving a former prime minister, Adrian Nastase (who insists he is innocent), most are bogged down in procedural delays”, the paper explains.

The only regret is for the former Justice minister, Monica Macovei, who „done most of the good work”, backed by Romania’s president, Traian Basescu.

„Since her sacking last April, Mr Chiuariu, her successor, has been less effective. He wants the prosecutor dealing with top politicians to be replaced. The prosecutors (and Mr Basescu) disagree—so the government plans a constitutional amendment to limit presidential power”, the author underlines.