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UPDATE: Romania Government to take responsibility for uninominal voting bill

Leaders of the Romania’s governing National Liberal Party (PNL) decided “with a large majority” on Monday that the Government should take responsibility to push through a bill introducing the uninominal voting system in Romania, a top PNL official has announced.

A deadline set by Romania President Traian Basescu for the Parliament to forward him a bill on the introduction of an uninominal voting system or risk the organization of a referendum in this regard expires on Monday.

Shortly after the PNL announcement Basescu said that he would not be „fooled” by anybody and hinted that a referendum was inevitable.

The President urged the Parliament one last time in mid-October to promulgate the law regarding the uninominal voting system by October 22, threatening to organize a referendum on the issue otherwise.

PNL deputy president Crin Antonescu said on Monday that the Government would make a formal decision on taking responsibility for the introduction of uninominal voting in its session on Wednesday.

In an open letter to the Parliament earlier this month, the President said that the draft had better pass in the Parliament through the ordinary procedure rather through the government taking responsibility for it. Moreover, Basescu qualifies a possible emergency ordinance as ’’unsatisfactory’’.

The Electoral Code Committee has finished the bill and sent it back to the Senate but the final decision has to be taken by the Chamber of Deputies. The whole trajectory is impossible to complete by Monday evening.