USL presents its economic program / Victor Ponta: there is the almost generalized perception that it cannot get worse than it is
The Social Liberal Union presents on Friday its economic program that might transform in the governing program of the political alliance if it will get the government strings. Social Democratic leader Victor Ponta said that there is an almost generalized perception that it cannot get worse than it is but USL wants to prove that it can get a whole lot better. He added that they plan to have a real dialogue to seek solutions, something that did not exist in the last years.
Here are his statements
- One needs to have clear objectives and concrete measures as a political force.
- What we plan is to have a real dialogue to seek solutions, something that never existed before in the Romanian society. Through dialogue, our proposals can be improved and transformed in a real governing program
- I do not think all good ideas are on one side, I do not believe that all good ideas are with USL. It is a starting point and we can improve them
- We address to businessmen, social society, well prepared young people and political partners
- We proposed economic solutions that were criticized, and then taken over by the government
- If Boc says salaries will increase then it is a good thing but if we say it, we are demagogues
- We are a EU country that receives the smallest public revenues to GDP.
- We are one of the EU countries to collect the least to the budget
- An extremely politicized subject by the President: Romania spends too much on social protection.
- The reality is that Romania spends less on social protection Institutional reforms in Romania have been postponed or move too slow
- Corruption index is still growing Another big problem of the country: the low absorption of EU funds
- We are the last in the EU at tax collection but we are first when it comes to fiscal evasion