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What the newspapers say: February 15, 2006

Most Bucharest newspapers run go with the trend and publish front page stories of judicial moves against various businessmen and politicians. Evenimentul Zilei is a bit different and lets one of these people, oilman Dinu Patriciu, to break silence on supposed support for the former Saddam regime in Iraq. But football, eavesdropping ops and French cars are also in the news.

In an interview for Evenimentul Zilei, businessman Dinu Patriciu admits an agent of his company in Iraq may have paid bribe to the people of the Saddam Hussein regime – a fact that he had dismissed in the past.

That agent was a company from Jordan, Patriciu said when he became the first Romanian public figure to admit a possible involvement in the international „Oil-for-food” scandal.

At the Bucharest Stock Exchange – where Patriciu’s company Rompetrol is also facing criminal charges – Ziarul Financiar reports fast losses for Tuesday, where 700 million euro „vanished in one day” as the most solid stocks fell by 4-5%.

And speaking about criminal complaints against Rompetrol: charges brought against the deputy head of Romanian Equities Commission, Paul Miclaus, are read by Ziua – a newspaper renowned for its close relationship with Patriciu – as new proof that prosecutors are only following the orders of President Traian Basescu in this issue.

Down to earth, Adevarul counts how much Romanian taxpayers pay for the intelligence services to eavesdrop on various foreigners, as Basescu himself revealed that thousands had their phone calls tapped following judicial orders last year. According to the newspaper, the money spent this way exceed the budget of Culture.

Cotidianul is just as skeptical about the „good news” lately: it says that recent announcements by the Bucharest city hall on the development of local infrastructure in 2006 cannot be done except by massive demolition and expropriation operations.

The same newspaper is excited by the appearance on the Romanian market of French cars from producer Microcar, sold for 8900 euro when users don’t even need driving licenses.

And Gandul shows unusual interest in football and writes that the football club run by deputy-PM George Copos refuses to state publicly how much money it had received from the transfer of player Florin Bratu, in a scandal that shook the Romanian Football Federation these days.