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What the newspapers say: February 2, 2007

The anti European tax on the first registration finally comes to a shape where it can’t be blamed by any civilized officials: everyone will pay it, and it may even apply to all transactions involving cars, be it new or old.

The political scandal on the president’s suspension is artificially maintained, at least until Tuesday, when we might see the procedures opening. No other news in today’s newspapers, with journalists still dazzled by Bill Gates’ modesty and the refuse of a top journalist to become PM Tariceanu’s spokesperson.

The only piece of true news today is that Bill Gates looks, walks, talks and acts as a normal person. All newspapers discuss more or less Gates’ air of normality, despite the fact that he’s still the planet’s richest man.

In the interior news, journalist Gabriela Vranceanu Firea amazes most newspapers with her refuse to become a spokesperson for prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu.

In the old and cold news, the fuss around suspending the president continues at a lower rate. Main Opposition party, social-democrats (PSD) admits having only five points against Basescu, out of the initial 18. Still, PSD president Mircea Geoana is not aware of losing any charges against Basescu, Gandul reads.

Even more, Geoana already begun to build scary movie scenarios: Basescu prepares to commit frauds during the suspension referendum (Evenimentul Zilei).

A bit of truth may lay somewhere, since the trust in Basescu has fallen from the sky-high percentage an year ago under 50%, according to a secret poll ordered by the Democrat Party, Cotidianul found out.

PM Tariceanu, already unpopular, only lost 1%, down to 22%.

Even in a day that really lacks any news, one may foresee „coming next” scandals: the judges at the Constitutional Court would be ecstatic if the criminal law included once again the media calumny and offence.

Against any spirit and recommendations of European institutions, that’s what we prepare for, „in order to protect persons’ honor and dignity”, already protected by the civil law, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Since we’re at the chapter called „What else does Romania against Europe”, we should remind a few words about the „first registration tax for cars”. Considered as anti-European in Poland, the tax was suspended and the state now has to refund 555 million euros.

In Romania, we make it simple: we make it a general tax, for any car transaction, even though it would lead to double or even triple taxation for the same product and with the same destination. More about it in Gandul.

Taxation is indeed a nightmare in Romania. Stock market players finally get to rest for a breather, with a possible three month postponement on some taxes. Brokers found out at the beginning of the year that they have to pay something even in case they lost money on the market, Gandul reads.

Maybe this air of chaos is the reason that made even Marilyn Manson curious. The nightmare of „all American families”, the „Antichrist Superstar” will concert in Bucharest on June 30th, same Gandul and other papers found out.