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What the newspapers say: March 21, 2006

The lack of spectacular elements let newspapers today to push down the front page their stories on deputies’ vote yesterday to name their speaker. Still, the vote draws enough coverage as newspapers focus on their own investigative reports on the always-present ex-PM Adrian Nastase and minister George Copos.

Evenimentul Zilei focuses on the man who replaced Nastase as House speaker following the vote yesterday. Bogdan Olteanu, the newspaper says, is both a representative of the younger wing of the Romanian political scene and of the former Communist nomenclature.

That is because his grandmother was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and made sure Olteanu lived in the most luxurious part of Bucharest under former regime, Evenimentul Zilei points out.

But it quotes 34 year-old Olteanu admitting he has received the help of the dear ones, but insisting that he built his career personally.

The personal manner includes his relation with PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, who is Olteanu’s godfather.

Other media focus on how Olteanu was named House speaker – with the favorable vote of the radical Greater Romania Party, now in opposition. That happened because a member of the governing coalition, the Conservative Party, opted to vote for their own candidate for the post.

According to sources quoted by Cotidianul, the Greater Romania Party allegedly received promises of a new central HQ for the party in exchange for their support for Olteanu.

Another newspaper, Ziua, focuses on bribery charges brought by anti-corruption prosecutors to a member of the former PSD government led by Adrian Nastase, Serban Mihailescu.

Mihailescu, known locally as Miki Spaga (Miki Bribe) is suspected to have received 11 hunting guns as bribem according to testimonies by an ex-aide of the former secretary general of the Nastase government.

The same newspaper reports that Romanian Olympic champion Doina Melinte was robbed Sunday night at a gas station in a town near Bucharest, where four children stole her purse – with some 1 million ROL (some 28,000 euro) in it. The Police identified the four and found they had just been released following a similar case.

Cotidianul, meanwhile, joins Evenimentul Zilei in a new wave of revelations against deputy PM George Copos.

The latter newspaper argues in favor of a campaign for Copos’ resignation it launched yesterday, with revelations on how he sucked the blood of the Romanian Lottery with a scheme of businesses that included a member of a PSD-connected mafia group, a former STASI agent and the son of an ex-PSD diplomat.

And Cotidianul says it had paid 1 million euro to reputed Romanian football coach Mircea Lucescu and that the money was taken from the 5.2 million euro Copos had received from the Lottery in a shadowy real estate deal.