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What the newspapers say: March 31, 2006

Football abounds in today newspapers as the first leg of the UEFA Cup quarterfinals unfolded last night on Rapid Bucharest home turf, with a stadium full of supporters enjoying peacefully the 1-1 final score for the Rapid Bucharest- Steaua Bucharest match.

Evenimentul Zilei writes about an undecided score that leaves an open competition for the second leg match. The „Story goes on” shortly describes the match but underlines the civilised public that despite all odds and tight security measures, enjoyed the show without provoking any major incidents.

Jackpot postponed for second leg writes Cotidianul, which criticizes the Steaua goalkeeper’s mistakes that led to the equalizer in minute 50.

On the spotlight were not only the pitch and the teams, but also the tribunes where president Basescu and PM Tariceanu put aside all political misunderstandings for 90 minutes, and together with other top politicians enjoyed the game.

„Steaua, one little step ahead” says Jurnalul National that dedicates more pages to the preparation of the yesterday match. The daily appreciates the high quality of the game despite the undecided score and is looking forward to the second leg of the competition, for which Steaua enjoys the lead away goal advantage.

Under the title „Suspense” Gazeta Sporturilor sanctions Steaua goalkeeper Carlos’ mistake which has annulled Nicolita’s genius sparkle, the author of the first goal in minute 4. The sports newspapers analyses thoroughly the preparations, the game, the fans’ behaviour, the politics eyeing football, in no less than 13 pages today.

Evenimentul Zilei focuses also on the CNSAS scandal, presenting a new perspective of the story. An investigation director of CNSAS reveals that for the moment there are many pending files on the agenda that belong to different MPs, former Securitate collaborators.

By voting Ticu Dumitrescu, a very vocal enemy of the Communist Securitate practices of political militia, the top political figures would risk to be revealed.

On the front page of Jurnalul National, a big story about the European cultural capital catches the eye – „2 million Euros theft”.

The daily accuses city mayor of Sibiu Klaus Johannis of wasting public money on lifting an enormous tent aimed at hosting shows and exhibitions in 2007, while the city already boasts several new cultural buildings that might be employed for this purpose.

Cotidianul front page focuses on Omar Hayssam’s „good connections” with Romanian intelligence services (SRI), targeting the friendship between the Syrian businessman and the chief of SRI Campina. However, Hassam employed his profits from his businesses to finance terrorist activities and Islamic propaganda in Romania.

Libertatea leaves aside football and dedicates the front page to the weather ravages that hit Romania yesterday. In only one day, Romanians witnessed heavy rains, landslides, and strong winds. 14 counties were hit by windfalls, killing one. Specialists deny there is any connection with the other day sun eclipse.