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What the newspapers say: October 24, 2007

President Basescu’s decision to call a referendum on the uninominal vote, at the same time with the European elections, makes most of the headlines on Wednesday, since it seems to be the climax of a two-year war between the president and Prime Minister Tariceanu.

After being almost certain that the uninominal vote will be adopted by the Parliament, and almost swearing to assume responsibility for this adoption, PM Tariceanu isn’t all that sure anymore and may let Basescu organize his political game.

President Basescu called on Tuesday the referendum for uninominal vote. After several discussions made it look like the Parliament will adopt this project – already accepted by the Parliamentarian commissions – the subject was never re-opened in the Parliament.

President Basescu repeatedly threatened to call a referendum in case the Parliament doesn’t do its job but the late rush in the Senate wasn’t enough to convince the president that the law will be finally adopted.

In order to avoid the modification of European elections, Basescu’s decree doesn’t offer a firm date for the referendum, simply mentioning that „it will take place at the same date with the elections for the European Parliament”, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

„Tariceanu is afraid to assume responsibility”, Cotidianul comments, discussing rumors about some Social-Democrat demands in order to support the law and a motion to bring down the government that may be tabled by the far-right Great Romania party.

In other news:

Gandul: The new leaders of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) claim that the BOR History Commission should be the only one entitled to discuss the possible collaboration of priests with the Communist political police, Securitate.

The Church is at quarrel with CNSAS, the body enabled to research the Securitate archives, after several high-ranked priests were unveiled as collaborators.

Jurnalul National: Romanian farmers move towards ecological crops. In 2008, the production level may reach 10 million euros on the Romanian market and 80 million euros in exports.