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What the newspapers say: September 14, 2007

„Eight high ranked priests collaborated with the Communist political police, Securitate” is the news that makes it to the headlines on Friday. The two clergy members that qualified for the finals in the recent elections for Romania’s new patriarch don’t have yet a final verdict in this issue.

Bishop Daniel, who became on Wednesday the new Romania Orthodox patriarch will be the subject of a special investigation, officials in the CNSAS (the body studying the Securitate archives) said on Thursday.

Another special investigation will be conducted for Bartolomeu, Daniel’s opponent in the final electoral tour for the Romanian Orthodox Church leadership, Foreign Intelligence officers being required for the analysis, Gandul reads.

In politics, things aren’t too shiny for the main opposition party, Social Democrats (PSD). Two of its main leaders, former prime minister Adrian Nastase and former Transport minister, Miron Mitrea being under investigation in a special presidential commission, which will decide whether a criminal lawsuit will be opened against them or not.

„I didn’t urge the formation of this commission, whatever rumors you heard”, says president Traian Basescu, quoted by Gandul. „The Commission exists and it must be convoked. The only time when the Commission can’t function is when somebody resigns”, Basescu explained.

Also in PSD, Adrian Nastase seems to lose more ground, after attacking the current party president, Mircea Geoana. Nastase came up with a solution for the PSD crisis (given by the never-ending loss of popularity) and suggested a „collective leadership, but he was firmly refused by all major party leaders, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

In business, the main news is that Ford promises to produce a new model exclusively in the factory the company bought in Romania, Automobile Craiova, company officials say, according to Evenimentul Zilei