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What the newspapers say September 17, 2007

As school starts today, newspapers read about the unfinished reconditioning works started this summer for all schools across Romania.

Another paper marks 1001 days since Romanian President Traian Basescu was elected. In evaluating his mandate, on a 1-10 scale, the current President gets a 7.

Pension system reforms have started and as of Monday people need to adhere to a pension fund.

All newspapers read about the unfinished works in schools and the improper conditions children need to study in. Romania libera reads that 40% of the schools did not receive sanitary authorizations while only 18% of the government funds reserved for that were used.

Education Minister Cristian Adomnitei is expected to hold a speech today, insisting for the depolitization of the education system. Until then, children are obliged to study in improvised tents or improper old buildings.

Cotidianul reads that more than 340 million Romanian lei (RON) were allocated for school reconditioning. Plus, a list prioritizing schools in need was issued from the Ministry. However, only 18% of the funds were used by those schools mostly in need.

The paper comments about street repairs which jam the traffic in important areas in Bucharest. Even if Bucharest mayor, Adriean Videanu promised to finish most of the works by early autumn, he failed to fulfill his promise.

Today, police officers will be present at the main crossroads to assure the fluidity of the traffic since authorities expect jams.

Some professors in the province argue that the school funds were directed towards local city halls with liberal mayors. Still many schools did not apply for reconditioning money.

If not used, the money will be redistributed to other school units still under construction or reconditioning works.

Evenimentul Zilei reads about the 2000 generation children who start school today. Aged 7, most of the children know how to use the computer and many will have a cell phone.

The newspaper quotes experts arguing that parents have failed to adapt to the new world and thus fail to be in charge of their children’s formation.

More on the political side, Cotidianul marks 1001 days since Traian Basescu became Romania’s president. The paper evaluates his work and, on a 1 to 10 scale gives the President an average of 7.

The paper evaluates both the good and the bad in what it calls the seven most important issues: the media, presidency administration, Justice relation, national security etc.

Widely known that President Basescu has had many conflicts with the media, he gets a 7 while on his relation with the Government and the Parliament, he barely “passes” with a 6.

Even if Basescu did not have a good relation with the Prime Minister’s chancellery, he supported two of the best incumbent ministers at the time, Monica Macovei and Vasile Blaga.

Elsewhere in the newspapers, starting of Monday, Romanians will have to join a private pension fund. The government introduced a new private pension’s scheme to re-set the inert system.

2% of the 9.5% contribution to the current public pension scheme will automatically go to the private one, Cotidianul reports.