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What the newspapers say: September 18, 2007

Newspapers on Tuesday read about the President’s key speech on Monday on the new private pension’s scheme introduced as of yesterday. Also about President Traian Basescu, Adriana Saftoiu, who’d served as his loyal aide for seven years, will advise Basescu’s rivals – the opposition Liberals from now on.

On the Liberal register, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu refuses to make public the names of the people receiving social houses in Bucharest as suspicions of abuse have appeared.

Gandul reads about President Traian Basescu’s speech at a conference on the new system of the private pensions. The newspaper informs that his speech was mainly addressed to employees and their rights.

Basescu urged the people not to accept to work on the black market as it is in their advantage to have a big salary and get more benefits from the private pension system.

The President said that the new pensions system would resolve a major issue authorities are facing at the moment: many people are working on the black market with no official working papers.

Basescu is confident that the employees would not accept this situation any longer and thus authorities will be able to see the real revenue of the population. Moreover, health contributions and pension benefits will multiply.

For a long time now, President Basescu agreed with the Liberal Finance and Labor Ministers on the issues at stake.

The only disagreement among them was the percent to be redistributed to the new private scheme from the monthly 9.5% state contribution. Basescu said that 2% is too small and in a couple of years, after a serious economic evaluation the percent should be increased to pass the maximum of 6% imposed now.

On the other hand, the Finance Minister, Varujan Vosganian said that old people have to survive and they depend mainly upon state pensions.

Plus the minister argued that if one adds the public and the private mandatory and the private optional pension scheme, it will amount to about 80% of one’s salary.

Elsewhere in the news today, Adriana Saftoiu, the image counselor who spent seven years at the side of President Traian Basescu, will advise opposition Liberal party members from now on.

Saftoiu left the presidency a few months ago with no clear reason. Now, Evenimentul Zilei reads that she agreed to counsel top Liberal leader Ludovic Orban as he’s planning to run for Mayor of Bucharest.

The newspaper quotes internal Liberal sources saying that the collaboration is a punctual one.

However, Adriana Saftoiu refused to disclose any information. She argued that her clients were confidential.

In the last two years, Ludovic Orban was the most eager opponent of the President among the Liberals.

More in the newspapers, Cotidianul reads that PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu refuses to make public the lists of citizens receiving the new social houses in Bucharest’s heart.

The paper requested the list since it discovered that Liberal minister Mihai Voicu received a social house on illegal grounds. The minister is not married and holds another house in Bucharest.

The price paid for the house is very small, since the state pays from its public funds both the land and the utilities.

Considering that public money is used, Cotidianul requested to see the list of beneficiaries, but to no avail.