What the newspapers say: September 20, 2006
As politicians struggle to maintain a clean image, more and more unveilings show that many of Romania’s most appreciated politicians have a Securitate collaboration background. Still, nothing seems to be clear enough for a verdict. Forgetting about our own disgraceful past, some newspapers concentrate on the “francophone dictators’ summit” in Bucharest.
The meeting that gathers tens of presidents is about to serve as a smoke curtain for the continuing growth of utilities’ price and for major investigations at the Anticorruption Prosecution’s Office.
The body researching the former Securitate archives, CNSAS fails to offer consistent information on the background of leading politicians.
Recently expelled Liberal Mona Musca was found writing notes on foreigners’ activity in her youth, while she was a teacher, yet the final verdict was she indeed committed acts that include her in the “political police” activity, as Evenimentul Zilei informs.
On the other hand, CNSAS made it clear that Gyorgy Frunda had nothing to do with the former Securitate. The statement drives the former Securitate head in the Mures county crazy, the officer swearing for the same Evenimentul Zilei that Frunda was on his informers list.
Meanwhile, Bucharest prepares to meet the world’s finest French-speaking presidents at the 11th Francophones’ Summit in a couple of days.
Cotidianul finds it somehow ironic that 10 dictators will attend the discussions that are to be held in the People’s House, Ceausescu’s largest architecture “accomplishment”.
As scandals and political stars blur the public opinion’s sight, companies and institutions continue to release bad news for the soon-to-come winter.
The Natural Gas Regulation Authority finds fuel market leader OMV with unnatural and unjustified price growth in natural gas, a move that is about to affect 97% of the Romanian captive clients, Gandul informs.
Since gas won’t worm up too many Romanians during the following months, lower income workers can be pleased with cheaper tobacco, as the State Debt Recovery Agency tells Adevarul that cigarettes smuggling is on a fast rise after the last “vice tax” came into force.