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What the newspapers say: September 20, 2007

All eyes are now on the Justice Minister, given the latest blunders that come to support speculations on his incompetence. Most newspapers note that the defense he put up in front of the anti-graft prosecutors’ accusations was formed mainly by data he wasn’t allowed to make public.

Another subject that makes it to the headlines is the Social Democrat motion to bring down the government, which seems to have gained the support of Romania’s most popular party, the Democrats.

„Total war between Chiuariu and the DNA”, is the headline in Evenimentul Zilei. Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu went as far on Wednesday as to accuse one of the Anti-Corruption prosecutors of „political police actions”.

Doru Tulus, head of the 2nd Department in the Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office (DNA), was the first prosecutor Chiuariu tried to sack, but failed at the time, because of the „insufficient arguments”.

While attacking the DNA prosecutors, Chiuariu presented confidential data about ongoing investigations, which, according to the Romanian law, is illegal.

Prime minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu defended Chiuariu and said he has no intention whatsoever to demand his resignation. Tariceanu also suggested that the DNA plays a political game against the Liberals, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

But Chiuariu may soon become the smallest problem of the Liberals. The main Opposition party, Social Democrats (PSD) finally put up their motion to bring down the government. After meeting president Basescu last night, PSD president Mircea Geoana seemed confident that Democrats will support the motion in the Parliament.

According to Evenimentul Zilei, PSD prepares to support a minority government formed by Democrats and Liberal Democrats and prepare to join the governing after the 2008 elections. The motion will be tabled on Monday.

„President Basescu – ready to accept Social Democrats in the government” is the headline in Gandul, but the authors add a condition: this is possible only after PSD „cleans itself of leaders like Ion Iliescu and Viorel Hrebenciuc” (the former Romania president and the head negotiator of the party).

„PSD to sack Tariceanu. Vasile Blaga warms up”, Cotidianul reads, speculating on the name of the future prime minister, in case the motion passes. It seems that Democrats are ready to lose some of their popularity and take over the government, instead of reaching a compromise and name a PSD prime minister.

But, for the rest of Romanians, things go as bad as always. 27 Romanians put under distraint in Spain managed to arrive back home, but still fear for their lives and are kept away from the eyes of the media, Evenimentul Zilei reads. All 27 workers are now making statements for the Organized Crime division of the Police.

Prices also went crazy, sometimes almost becoming evidence for illegal acts. The juridical consultancy for 54 kilometers of asphalt road was paid with 3.6 million euros by the National Highway Company, Gandul informs.

For some, it seems normal, since one square meter of terrain in downtown Bucharest came to cost some 5,000 euros, same Gandul found out.

Meanwhile, officials in the Central Bank (BNR), say the profits of developers are still extremely high. Even after falling from 100% to 20%, profits are still double, compared to the conditions on the European market, Cotidianul informs.