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40% of Romanian SMEs optimistic about accession to EU

Bureaucracy, the low internal request and high bank interests, the corruption and the delays in payments are just few issues that the Romanian SMEs are facing, according to the White Paper Report of the SMEs published by the Council of the SMEs.

However, 40% of the SMEs are looking forward to Romania’s accession to the EU as this will bring along many opportunities. 32% of the companies consider that the accession to the EU will not influence to a great measure the future of their businesses, while 26% perceive the common market as a major threat.

Over 87% of the SMEs expect better financial result starting with 2007. Romanians’ intentions restrict to local market, only 15% eye the EU market.

According to the report, 64% of the respondents said that bureaucracy and excessive fiscal laws and measures are the most problematic aspects for the businesses, while a low internal request worry 41.58 % of the respondents, high bank interests for loans annoy 41.27% , inaccessibility to loans discourage 38.51% while corruption 38.13%, and the delay of payments poses problems to 37.83%.