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41,000 Romanians to start work in UK

More than 50,000 Romanians and Bulgarians will work in UK starting next year, provided the two South-Eastern European countries become EU members on January 1, 2007, according to a survey by Public Politics Institute issued in UK on Tuesday.

The analysts base their forecast on the trend set by the accession of the ten new members in May 2004, when thousand of workers from Eastern Europe established in UK. Only in the last two years, more than 300,000 workers from Eastern Europe chose UK as their jobs destination.

The presence of approximately 41, 000 Romanians and 15, 000 Bulgarians is to be seen as an opportunity due to the great positive economic impact they will have on the UK economy.

The European Commission is to announce on May, 16 whether the two countries will enter EU in 2007, or be postponed until 2008 to allow more time for progress. Based on this decision, UK labour market will open doors to the new comers.