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Maverick Bucharest district mayor becomes PSD leader for Romanian capital

The Bucharest branch of the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) elected the controversial Social Democratic (PSD) mayor of Bucharest District 5, Marian Vanghelie, to be its interim executive president on Thursday.

According to party officials, Vanghelie was chosen for the position with a large majority and apparently despite the opposition of ex-party leader and former head of state Ion Iliescu.

Vanghelie has been a controversial figure from the very day he was first voted District 5 mayor years ago. Repeatedly accused of irregularities and abuse in office, he came clean every time in court. He is also notorious for his bad Romanian language and lack of culture, but as party leaders insisted lately he seems to have reported progress in this regard.

He now became executive president of PSD-Bucharest as another local member of the group, Sorin Oprescu, was named interimary president of the branch instead of former Industry minister Dan Ioan Popescu who self-suspended from the job following a corruption scandal.