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Second degree emergency for Danube riverbank townships

The Romanian Government declared a second degree emergency state for all the Danube riverbank counties, following the Emergency Committee reunion on Fiday morning. The premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced plans of controlled flooding of 92,000 ha in four of the counties at risk, in order to reduce the potential damages.

The areas to be flooded are regions in the counties of Ialomita, Constanta and Braila, and downstream of the Portile de Fier dam. The II degree alert entails the evacuation of the population.

Tariceanu promised to visit the hardest hit county of Dolj, where a controlled outflow is to be carried out around 3 pm. The Government decided to interrupt the river traffic as the Danube is about to beat the highest debit of 15,900 cm/s recorded 100 years ago.