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PM Tariceanu: British decision on Romania, Bulgaria workers „a bad investment”

Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu said on Tuesday that the UK decision to set restrictions on Romanian unqualified workers willing to enter the British labour market was “poor” and a “bad investment” on medium and long term.

He said the decision fueled fears and skepticism related to the European Union, fears that Britons had towards the EU in general and that encouraged distrust in European values.

Tariceanu said it was the right of the British government to decide the work force regime according to European norms, and the norms allow transit periods of several years – which were just introduced in Britain.

And he said it was important that the restrictions did not apply universally for Romanian and Bulgarian citizens but only to unqualified workers.

„We do not see the migration of work force from Romania to Britain as a real threat. Romania has a fast pace of economic growth, a decreasing unemployment rate… The Romanian economy can provide better and better paid jobs”, Tariceanu added.

His comments came as the European Commission voiced its “regret” over the British decision to restrict the access of Romanian and Bulgarian workers on its market once the two countries join the EU in January next year.