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The Sun fears Romanian mafia invasion

Daily tabloid “The Sun” publishes an new article on the perspective of Romanian and Bulgarian waves of crime arriving in UK along with the workers, after the two countries accession to the European Union, on January 1st, 2007.

The article begins with the story of a 28 year old prostitute held in hostage-like conditions (just food and cigarettes) rescued by journalists of the tabloid, then continues with a re-run of all ATM frauds committed by Romanians

The Sun believes, two days after a “secret governmental document” on the same issue was published in the same newspaper, that the invasion of criminals from Romania and Bulgaria is not only imminent, but also inevitable.

Even though The Sun expects a decrease of people smuggling into UK – since the visas would be lifted – they say the smugglers can and will turn to other crime areas, such as drugs, smuggled cigarettes and spirits, car stealing and prostitution. Not to mention selling babies.