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Revolt spreads in penitentiaries across Romania

A series of revolts engulfed several penitentiaries across Romania over the weekend as convicts destroyed their rooms or joined hunger strikes in moves aimed at forcing the parliament to quickly adopt a draft law of collective pardon for non-violent prisoners, initiated by independent deputy Nati Meir.

The events forced Justice minister Monica Macovei to intervene and ask prison directors to maintain a permanent dialogue with detainees and not ban them access to daily activities or the media.

According to public radio Romania Actualitati Macovei believes the individual initiative of deputy Nati Meir to promote his initiative was not adequate as it should have been promoted in Parliament.

According to the Realitatea TV news station, deputy Meir has appealed detainees to stop the protest as such moves lead nowhere.

Law enforcement representatives said the situation was under control on Sunday as the protests were peaceful. The most vocal protesters were the detainess of the Codlea and Jilava penitentitiaries.