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What the newspapers say: August 29, 2007

The over 2 billion transaction that made Liberal Dinu Patriciu the wealthiest Romanian makes it to the first page of all newspapers, being analyzed from all angles. From stock exchange manipulation to future plans, from European provider of energy independence to an over-confident project, Patriciu is „news of the day” on both Tuesday and Wednesday.

Even the possibility of having Romanians at vote in a second referendum this year is shadowed by the Rompetrol Group sale.

„What will Patriciu do with the money” is the title in Evenimentul Zilei. „A few hundred million euros, out of the 2.1 billion earned in the Rompetrol Group sale towards the Kazakh state-owned KazMunaiGaz company will be invested in businesses in Romania and Moldova”, the paper reads.

„The deal I made is the birth of a Nabucco project in the oil area, instead of natural gas”, was the answer Patriciu prepared for all newspapers.

Cotidianul has a totally different point of view: Patriciu manipulated the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), offering details about the transaction „with a significant delay”. Even more, the information arrived first to the media, and only then to the BVB.

Meanwhile, Romania Libera is somehow prudent in approaching the subject: „Rompetrol deal: The Missing Link” is the headline of the newspaper. Patriciu’s image of a „oil Nabucco” is dismantled, the paper discussing the lack of transportation means, the Russian and Chinese interests and other such already known problems.

Except for the Rompetrol news, one other earthquake promises to shake people up, this time the politicians.

President Traian Basescu publicly announced that, in case the Parliament fails to adopt the uninominal vote until October 25, he would call for a referendum on the subject during the European Parliament election in November, Evenimentul Zilei and most other newspapers comment.

Gandul finds yet another political move on the stage, with Basescu discussing for the first time the attempt of the Social Democrats to submit a censure motion against prime minister Tariceanu and his cabinet.

Basescu „dared” the party leaders to table the motion, accusing them of having a secret „collaboration” with the governing Liberals, the paper informs.