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What the newspapers say: August 5, 2007

While nothing seems to take place in politics, the main issue in the newspapers today is the lack of workers in the construction area. With a marked demand growing 30% every year, companies already see the import of Chinese workers as a solution.

„We build Europe. What about Romania?” is the main dilemma in Evenimentul Zilei on Wednesday. The market is some 150,000 qualified workers short, companies in the branch claim.

While the authorities discuss potential measures designed to bring back the workers from Spain, Italy and other countries, local businesses already aim at importing workers from China, India, Korea, Pakistan or Israel.

360,000 people are currently working on a market that keeps growing 30% per year.

In politics, the main issue is the censure motion prepared by the main Opposition party, Social Democrats (PSD), which seems to be already doomed. „To be ridiculous is something that will pass at a point. But this is suicidal”, said PSD senator Razvan Theodorescu about the motion.

Several PSD deputies and senators met yesterday the PSD board, in order to let the party head Mircea Geoana know that „they don’t want to be stupid”. All of them explained why a censure motion is not indicated, „at least not for the moment”, Gandul reads.

With a six months delay, Jurnalul National finds out that the Government prepares easier punishments for corruption acts.

Beginning the article with the almighty expression „Unbelievable, but true” phrase, the newspaper reminds that a law draft in spring, put up by the former Justice Minister Monica Macovei, moves the accent from punishing to „recovering”.

Thus, a series of crimes, from pedophilia to bribe and influence trafficking would receive much lower penalties than before.

This may be good news for the former tennis glory Ilie Nastase, who bought for a penny some terrain from the Romanian state, claming he will build a tennis club to promote young talents, but instead sold the terrain the very same day to a pub owner, who built one of the trendiest clubs in Bucharest, Evenimentul Zilei informs.