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What the newspapers say: September 10, 2007

Newspapers today read about EC President Jose Manuel Barroso’s recommendations to Romania and the EU expectations about the country. Also today, Hungarian Democrats appoint their candidates for European Parliament elections. And football supporters protest a draft law aimed at preventing violence on stadiums.

Romania Libera publishes an extensive interview with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso who made a series of recommendations during his visit to Romania last week.

The top European official says that one Romania’s key roles as a EU member is a better communication with Eastern Europe and an increased knowledge with the Balkan area.

Barroso says that there are no upcoming perspectives for the Republic of Moldova to adhere to the EU any time soon. And on Kosovo, EC President argued that Romania needs to support EU stands in foreign policy.

He added that he expects Romania to thrive in the future, as rural areas will begin to develop more and more.

Barroso also touches on the energy sector and says that the EC still has to approve the Rompetrol-KazMunaiGaz transaction as far as internal market rules are concerned.

More in the newspapers today, Gandul reads about the Hungarian Democrats candidates for the European Parliament in European elections due to take place in Romania this autumn: Gyorgy Frunda and Sogor Csaba were named after negotiations with a radical ethnic Hungarian group failed.

As Hungarian Democrats are the only representative ethnic Hungarian party present in the Romanian Parliament, the Hungarian radicals support their clause and struggle for votes by arguing that the Hungarian Democrats are monopolizing the local administration.

In recent weeks, the two political entities tried to reach consensus on their European appointees but failed.

Thus, Hungarian Democrats appointed representatives argue that they will lobby for Hungarian autonomy and Hungarian to become the second official language after Romanian.

Hungarian Democrats leader, Marko Bela said that negotiations failed because even though there was a common objective there was no compromise.

Last but not least, Cotidianul reads about football supporters protesting against a draft law meant to outlaw violence on stadiums.

More than 1.500 supporters organized a protest on Saturday to show their disapproval on the project.

However, during their protests, three photo reporters were harassed as they were taking photos of the participants.

Romanian Football Federation head Dumitru Dragomir said it was the first manifestation of the hooligans to support such causes.

Dragomir was the main target of the “hooligans” since he is the initiator of the project. He says that his bill is similar to other European ones on the issue.

Romania is not the only European country to try to cool things down on the stadiums. Italy has the most restrictive laws on stadium violence.