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Basescu remains Romania’s most trusted politician – poll

About 60% of Romanians are satisfied or very satisfied with the activity of current Romanian President Traian Basescu, according to an survey released by polling institute INSOMAR on Sunday.

The President is closely followed by Theodor Stolojan, leader of the small political group of Liberal Democrats (PLD) with 33% and populist businessman-politician Gigi Becali, leader of the New Generation Party (PNG) with 32%.

Next in line come Democratic Party (PD) leader Emil Boc, Social Democratic Party (PSD) president Mircea Geoana Liberal (PNL) prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Last on the list are Conservative (PC) leader Dan Voiculescu and Hungarian Democrats (UDMR) leader Marko Bela.

When it comes to institutions, 84% of Romanians trust the Church most, 75% – the Army and 58% – the media, while the Government, the Parliament and the political parties come last in terms of popularity. The Presidency enjoys 50% trust of its citizens.

According to the survey, if elections would be held next Sunday, Basescu’s Democrats would get 41% of the votes, Social Democrats 18% and Liberals only 12%.

The survey was conducted during August 29 – September 4.