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Bucharest-London-Washington axis”goes through Berlin and Paris”

The Washington-London-Bucharest axis goes through Berlin and Paris, Romanian Ambassador to Germany Bogdan Mazuru says in an interview for, speaking of the idea promoted intensely by Romanian President Traian Basescu, which sparked outrage among French and German politicians last year.

According to Mazuru, the axis should not be understood as excluding the European dimension of Romanian foreign affairs, as the country has proven its huge interest in this „essential dimention of its foreign politics”.

Mazuru says the coming accession of Romania and Bulgaria in the Eu draws intense interest in Germany.

„It’s interesting to note, however, is that the accession issue is part of a much larger debate that focuses on the general future of the EU”, Mazuru says, speaking ot the ongoing talks on the EU Constitutional Treaty and the role of the Union on the international political stage.

According to Mazuru, the worries in Germany are not related to the accession of Romania and Bulgaria in particular, but to how the EU will function in the future.

Ambassador Mazuru doesn’t think Germany questions the January 2007 date when Romania and Bulgaria hope to join the EU. He says, however, that the Germans are worried about how the Union will be able to function in a format of 27 member countries – and their skepticism towards the two countries should be considered from this perspective.