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Bulgarians and Romanians: most wanted temps in EU

Romania’s and Bulgaria’s firs summer since the EU accession brings the workers from the two countries to the spotlight of western newspapers, informs Rador on Thursday. Both Romanian and Bulgarians are the „firs choice” when it comes for season employment.

Some 8,350 people in Eastern Europe arrive daily in UK, official statistics show. Out of these, Romanians and Bulgarians amount to 210 thousands and the legal work permits only 20 thousands. Obviously, the rest of them work illegally, especially in agriculture.

BBC discussed intensely these days about 40 Bulgarian workers in agriculture who stayed a whole month without being paid and they were forced to steal from the croft in order to survive. The firm employing them was amended by the British service emitting licences.

Same news come from Holland even though the temps do no complain. The „NRC Handelsblad” newspaper comments about the seriousness of the Romanian workers.

Rador quoted the newspaper in arguing that in the Breda region there are more than 2.000 people working and that they do not need a special labor permit since the citizens of the states entering the EU in 2004 can work without problems in Holland.

However, this does not apply for the Romanians and Bulgarians who still need a work permit.

A Romanian worker in Holland, Zaharia, says that the Romanians work more than others and that the employers are very satisfied. He adds that he seriously considers moving to Holland for good.