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Collective resignation in Bucharest branch of PSD due to new leader

Marian Vanghelie, mayor of Sector 5 of Bucharest, was appointed yesterday as interim executive president of the Bucharest local of Social Democratic Party (PSD). Following this decision, many PSD members who disagreed with the move, resigned on Friday.

Unofficial accounts said up to 300 party members resigned, but PSD leaders put the figure at only 13.

Vanghelie’s nomination sparked a lot of criticism since it was first announced, but surprisingly, he enjoyed the support of the PSD leader Mircea Geoana and of the current interim president of the PSD Bucharest.

The group of 300 that resigned today justified their move as a protest against the appointment of a person that is not representative for the local, accusing him of immorality, vulgarity and lack of education.

Marian Vanghelie is the mayor of the Sector 5 of Bucharest, the only PSD mayor in the Capital during this term. He has been mocked in press due to repeated mistakes in his speech and to poor education.

The press wrote on Friday that Vaghelie’s appointment is aimed at collecting votes for PSD in Bucharest from Vanghelie’s constituency.